Saturday, May 1, 2010

Farmville Magic Tools 1.5

Farmville Magic Tools is a program for Windows that allows you to automate many operations of Farmville game in Facebook.

This program harvest, plants and plows VERY fast and it works on all the different farm sizes.
Farmville Magic Tools scans your farm plots automatically, so there is no need to adjust any settings regarding sizes and positions.

You can harvest trees and collect from animals with just one click instead of three!

It provides also an auto sell /delete confirm feature.


Plants Vs Zombies: Zen Garden Hack! + Tutorial! :)

Plants Vs Zombies : Zen Garden Hack!

For those Plants Vs Zombies players who want to get all the kinds of plants to their Zen Garden, this is for you!

First, Download the Zen Garden Editor here:

************************************************** **************
Warning: This may damage your userfile if not used correctly, and under no circumstance will I accept liability for
damage or loss incurred from this program. MAKE SURE you back up your userfiles before using this.
************************************************** *************

How to Use:

1. Open Plants Vs Zombies, buy a new marigold from crazy dave.
2. Close the game.
3. Open the program that you've downloaded.
4. Go to plants vs zombies userdata folder usually in : C:\ProgramData\PopCap Games\PlantsVsZombies\userdata\
5. And the file you are looking for are user#.dat, For example: user1.dat, user2.dat, user3.dat, etc.
6. Once you have found your user file, run it with the program by dragging the userfile onto the program. Like this:

Then the Editor will pop up. Like this:

And now your done. you can get and put the plants you want in your zen garden. Like this:

Facebook Tips

Facebook Tips

Just to share with you a quick and easy way to Grab ALL your gifts if you have lots of friends, lots of apps, lots of gifts everyday but too little time. Hope I have just saved your fingers from the daily clicks =D Coz i do get LOTS of gifts everyday

Just drag the JGrabAllGifts to your bookmark bar and automate the process. Click on the image for a bigger view.

Click here for: